Machinarium Wiki
Mini-game 14

The Glasshouse Control Box Puzzle.

Mini-game 14 powered

The control box with power to both cables (two flashing red lights at the bottom of the control box)

Mini-game 14 walkthrough book hint

The hint in the walkthrough book.

Glasshouse cables

The two black power cables from the control box.

Mini-game 14 on-screen

The mini-game on screen.

The Glasshouse Control Box Puzzle (or Maze Lights Puzzle) is a Mini-game that has to be solved.

Level - 21. Glasshouse (level)


  • Control box on the wall next to the desk.


  • Click on the control box; the mini-game will appear on screen.


  • A metal box with two black electrical cables coming out of the bottom. The upper part of the panel has a 5x5 grid of buttons that light up when they are clicked. Under the grid are buttons that light up for the two black cables. Each black cable has three small buttons above a single small power button. The three small buttons for each cable will each bring up a maze light puzzle when clicked. There are a total of six maze light puzzles (three for each cable). The six puzzles do not have to be played in any particular order. Clicking on one of the six small buttons will make that button active (yellow light) and will bring up that buttons maze light puzzle. The two small power buttons (one for each cable) at the bottom of the panel will turn electricity on and off for the two black cables leaving the control box.


  • There are two main tasks as follows:
  • Task 1. The left-hand cable feeds power to the sunlamp. The three 5x5 maze lights puzzles for the left cable will have to be solved. When they are solved three green lights, will indicate that the main cable power button beneath them is now active (flashing red). The button can now be turned on and off sending power to the sunlamp (green when switched on).
  • Task 2. The right-hand cable feeds power to the slide projector. The three 5x5 maze lights puzzles for the right cable will have to be solved. When they are solved three green lights, will indicate that the main cable power button beneath them is now active (flashing red). The button can now be turned on and off sending power to the slide projector (green when switched on).


  • See the image (to the right) from the walkthrough book for the solutions to the six 5x5 maze lights puzzles.


  • The sunlamp will have power.
  • The slide projector will have power.