Machinarium Wiki
Manhole cover key

The Manhole Cover Key is an Inventory Item that can be used in the game.


The Manhole Cover Key is a key for opening manhole covers.



The Manhole Cover Key can only be found in the Inventory.


The Manhole Cover Key can be obtained by combining the Broom and the Tap Handle in the Inventory.


The Manhole Cover Key can be used to open manhole covers. There are three manhole covers in the prison that Josef can open.

1. First manhole - when Josef opens the manhole in the cell he has been put into, he will gain access to the Maintenance Tunnel (or sewer) under the prison. This will allow him to reach the cell next to his cell and the Guardroom.
2. Second manhole - is located in the floor of the cell next to cell Josef was put into.
Note: If this prison cell is not entered through the manhole, Josef can still enter this cell via the doorway when the Prison Robots have escaped. The Rodent will steal the Manhole Cover Key when the third manhole cover has been opened; which means the key cannot then be used on the second manhole cover to get into this cell.
3. Third manhole - is located in the floor of the Guardroom. From here Josef can release the Prison Robots and then escape himself when he has obtained any extra items that he needs from the prison.
Note: when Josef has used the Manhole Cover Key here the Rodent will steal it. The key cannot now be used on the second manhole cover to enter that cell. However when the Prison Robots have escaped; the doors to the cells will be open and Josef will not need the Manhole Cover Key to get into the two prisoner cells.

Note: there is a third prison cell but this cell is a high security cell containing the Prison Safe.
